Over a year ago, the Link had a survey made of the needs that our partner schools have when it comes to water and sanitation – toilets! See the survey here: WASH report on schools. It will be a huge project, so we’re starting by connecting up some schools with the available water supply, and (where that isn’t possible) by deepening wells, mending pumps, installing water towers and even looking into the possibility of sinking bore-holes – though that’s terribly expensive. Our earlier hope of collaborating with WeltHungerHilfe didn’t worked out, so we got on with getting quotes from local plumbers and builders, finding someone on the ground to coordinate efforts (our very good friend Mr Sam French), and cracking on with the work. Here are brief progress reports on the schools where the work has begun in earnest, and we’ll update these reports as fast as we can. How much we can achieve will entirely depend on the generous support of the Link’s supporters – and the success of fundraising campaigns like the efforts of our friends at Southern Energy Solutions.
Here are updates on the first six schools:
St Mulumba, Hastings
Head Teacher, Betty Lamin is delighted with the work carried out at St Mulumba School. A water tower, storage tank and connection to the piped water supply has provided a sustainable water supply for the pupils:
Jui Upper School
Head Teacher Kaini Kamara advised that the well needed digging deeper as it dried up in the dry season and the pump needed repairing. There is no piped water supply nearby so the Link has funded the work to try to ensure a year round water supply. This work has now been carried out and Kaini has advised that they are now rendering the surrounding walls and decorating the well area:
Kankalay, Hastings
Head Teacher, Osman Kamara advised that the school could connect to the piped supply. Work has been carried out to erect a tower and install a storage tank and to connect to the piped water supply. This has now been completed and the pupils are already using the water:

REC, Hastings
Head Teacher, Adama Bengura advised that the well needed to be refurbished and the pump needed replacing. She advised that the well never runs dry even in the dry season and felt this was a more economic solution than connecting to the piped supply. The well has been refurbished and the pump replaced, but after further discussion it has been agreed that it would make sense to connect to the piped supply. Estimates are being obtained for the connection and the installation of a storage tank similar to those at Kankalay and St Mulumba:

Huntingdon Allentown School
Estimates have been received for borehole but the borehole proposal is very expensive. ($14,000). It was hoped that solar panels installed last year to supply power for IT equipment would be able to power the pumps to reduce the cost but they do not provide sufficient power.
Further discussions are underway with their twinned UK school, Claverham to explore further fundraising activities.
Huntingdon Secondary School, Jui
Estimates have been received for providing a piped supply and storage tanks. The estimates are being reviewed and clarified and we are awaiting further estimates.