Hastings Sierra Leone Friendship Link

Auction 2021 payments

Important: This page is only for bidders in the Auction who have been notified by email that they have won the lot they were bidding on. If you have not had this confirmation, please do not make a payment using this form.

Congratulations on your winning bid!

Please use the form below to make a payment for your item using your Paypal account or a credit/debit card.

You’ll need to enter both the Lot Number(s) and the final Winning Bid Amount that were provided to you in the email you received. If you are paying for more than one Lot, just give the relevant Lot numbers in the first box and the total in the second box.

Once your payment has been received and checked, we will get in touch with you with details of how to arrange to receive your item.

Thanks again for supporting the Link.